VOX POPULI: Kishida’s gift of cherry seedlings to the U.S. raises uneasy feeling

style2024-06-03 18:20:0353629

In 1912, the final year of the Meiji Era that began in 1868, it is said that vehement opposition was raised when statesman Yukio “Gakudo” Ozaki (1858-1954) gifted the United States 3,000 ornamental cherry seedlings that had been grafted from cherry trees on the banks of the Arakawa river in Tokyo.

Ozaki’s deed was condemned as “an inexcusable outrage” because the sakura was “the national flower that must never be taken out of the country.”

Ozaki was only trying to show his gratitude to Washington for its labors during the post-Russo-Japanese War peace negotiations.

But many Japanese hadn’t been apprised of this background and “few felt indebted to the Americans,” according to Ozaki’s daughter, Yukika Soma (1912-2008).

In return, Washington sent a gift of dogwood trees to Japan. But they were taken down during World War II.

Those days are long past, and a Japan-U.S. summit took place on April 10 in the U.S. capital.

Among the gifts brought by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida were 250 cherry seedlings, and I am sure nobody minds that today.

But seeing him grinning with delight, I cannot help feeling uneasy.

Japan’s national security is becoming increasingly integrated with that of the United States.

But the prime minister just would not explain to the public how dangerous that is, or what disadvantages Japan must expect from the bolstered alliance with the United States.

I think Japanese diplomacy has become quite unstable, like a baseball player with a “flamingo batting style.”

While the United States, Australia and European nations are proceeding with summit diplomacy with China, Japan keeps muddling along.

So long as Tokyo’s understanding of diplomacy is just making sure not to upset Washington, the nation remains at great risk.

The Arakawa riverbank today is graced by goshikizakura (five-color cherry trees) that came home from the United States after World War II. When I went to see them on April 11, the blossoms of the ukonzakura variety were starting to fall.

The pale green petals danced in the air and the young leaves fluttered in the spring breeze.

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 12

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Vox Populi, Vox Dei is a popular daily column that takes up a wide range of topics, including culture, arts and social trends and developments. Written by veteran Asahi Shimbun writers, the column provides useful perspectives on and insights into contemporary Japan and its culture.

Address of this article:http://elsalvador.argoasecurityeu.com/html-32a499965.html


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